5 Signs it’s time to redesign your website

Having an effective website is vital for any business or organization. Many times, a website is the first point of contact between a potential customer and a brand. A well-designed website can greatly impact their decision to engage with your company. An outdated website might

With technology and design trends constantly evolving, it's important to evaluate your website from time to time to ensure that it is still effective and up-to-date.

Here are some signs that it may be time to consider redesigning your website:

1. Your website is not mobile-friendly

With the majority of internet users accessing the web on their mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is essential. If your website is not optimized for mobile devices, you may be missing out on a significant portion of your potential audience. A redesign can help ensure that your website is responsive and adaptable to any screen size.

Your website should look perfect whether on mobile or a desktop. Be sure to review your website on different phones, tablets, monitors and browsers.

2. Your website is slow to load

A slow-loading website can frustrate users and cause them to leave your site before even getting a chance to explore it. In fact, page speed is also an important factor for search engine ranking, and if your site is slow, it can negatively affect your SEO efforts. A website redesign can help improve page speed by optimizing images, reducing code bloat, and leveraging caching techniques.

Here are things that slow down your website:

  • Large images and files

  • Javascript and other code blow

  • Not optimizing cache techniques

Optimizing your website to perform quickly is a

3. Your website looks outdated

Design trends change rapidly, and an outdated website can make your company look unprofessional or out of touch. If your website looks like it hasn't been updated in years, it's time for a redesign. A modern, visually appealing website can help your business make a strong impression on potential customers.

Today, visitors expect websites to have features like:

  • Fast loading Videos

  • Engaging Graphics

  • Bright Buttons and Calls-to-Action

  • Filterable resource galleries

  • Forms and Chat bots

  • Sales Transactions

  • Integration with CRMS and other business software

If your website looks anything like NASA’s 1997 website, then it’s probably time for a redesign.

4. Your website has a high bounce rate

If users are leaving your website shortly after arriving, it may be due to a poor user experience or confusing navigation. A website redesign can help improve the user experience by simplifying navigation, adding clear calls to action, and providing valuable content that encourages users to stay on your site.

Here are some benchmark metrics for how your website should be performing:

  • Website Views: 600 views per month

  • Time on Page: 1 minute or greater

  • Conversion Rate: 3% conversion rate on forms

  • Pages per session: 3 pages or greater

5. Your website is not meeting your business goals

If your website is not generating the leads, sales, or engagement that you had hoped for, it may be time for a redesign. A new website can be optimized for specific business goals, such as increasing conversion rates or generating more leads.

You need to continue to improve your website and add valuable content to it in order to reach business goals. Users expect brands to educate them and guide them through the buyer’s journey.

Your website is a critical component of any business or organization, and it's important to keep it updated and effective. If your website is not mobile-friendly, slow to load, looks outdated, has a high bounce rate, or is not meeting your business goals, it may be time for a redesign. A website redesign can help ensure that your website is modern, user-friendly, and optimized for your business objectives.

Need help planning your next website redesign? Download this free website planner that helps guide you through building your next website.

Interested in partnering with us for your next website redesign? Contact us to set up a meeting today to start planning your website project.


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